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Kody i porady do gry Elf girl sim date 2
Conspiracy - Max każdego posiadanego przedmiotu
Daughter - Cosette 8000 punktów doświadczenia (experience)
Prostitution - Fantine 8000 punktów doświadczenia
Witch - Elphaba 8000 punktów doświadczenia
Barricade - Eponine 8000 punktów doświadczenia
Wicked - Nessarose 8000 punktów doświadczenia
Popular - Glinda 8000 punktów doświadczenia
Informacje o dziewczynach:
Fantine (Les Miserables)
Age : 21 years old
Birthday : May 30
Sign : The Spring
Phone number: 1-550-2200-911
Drink : A fine pint of beer
Food : Junk food
Colors : White and Blue
Location : The Beach
Stats : Speed and Strength
Song : At the end of the Day - Les Miserables
LOTR book: The Hobbit
Quote : To be or not to be?
Videogame: Armor RPG Experiment
Weight: 51 KG
Height: 169 cm.
Bust : 83 cm.
Waist : 52 cm.
Hips : 80 cm.
Eponine (Les Miserables)
Age : 18 years old
Birthday : February 19
Sign : The Night
Phone number: 1-541-2367-089
Drink: Water
Food: Anything Healthy
Colors: Black and White
Location: The Woods
Stats: Charm and Romance
Song: A Heart Full of Love - Les Miserables
LOTR book: The Return of the King
Quote: To sleep, perchance to dream.
Videogame: Fancy Pants Adventure
Weight: 46 KG
Height: 159 cm.
Bust: 71 cm.
Waist: 49 cm.
Hips: 75 cm.
Cosette (Les Miserables)
Age: 20 years old
Birthday: November 11
Sign: The Thief
Phone number: 1-998-5426-377
Drink: Water
Food: On a diet
Colors: Pink and white
Location: The Twilight Valley
Stats: Persuasion and Speed
Song: On My Own - Les Miserables
LOTR book: The Hobbit
Quote: A plague o both your houses!
Videogame: Battlegrounds
Weight: 41 KG
Height: 152 cm.
Bust: 79 cm.
Waist: 48 cm.
Hips: 70 cm.
Glinda (Wicked)
Age: 20 years old
Birthday: July 26
Sign: The Tower
Phone number: 1-541-7140-290
Drink: Wine
Food: Anything Healthy
Colors: Black and Blue
Location: The Night Club
Stats: Magic and Romance
Song: Popular - Wicked
LOTR book: The Two Towers
Quote: O, beware, my lord of jealousy.
Videogame: Prince of War
Weight: 52 KG
Height: 166 cm.
Bust: 79 cm.
Waist: 52 cm.
Hips: 81 cm.
Nessarose (Wicked)
Age: 18 years old
Birthday: March 22
Sign: The Guardian
Phone number: 1-542-1620-112
Drink: I dislike drinking
Food: On a diet
Colors: Orange and Red
Location: The Casino
Stats: Charm and Strength
Song: No Good Deed - Wicked
LOTR book: Return of the King
Quote: Whats in a name?
Videogame: Unreal Flash
Weight: 50 KG
Height: 156 cm.
Bust: 75 cm.
Waist: 54 cm.
Hips: 80 cm.
Elphaba (Wicked)
Age: 19 years old
Sign: The Witch
Phone number: 1-542-1897-236
Drink: Water
Food: Nothing special
Colors: Yellow and Purple
Location: The Dark City
Stats: Magic and Strength
Song: Defying Gravity - Wicked
LOTR book: The Fellowship of the Ring
Quote: I am fortunes fool
Videogame: Xunmato Alpha Knights
Weight: 55 KG
Height: 171 cm.
Bust: 84 cm.
Waist: 53 cm.
Hips: 81 cm.
Uwaga: Nie gwarantuję poprawnego
działania kodów oraz nie udzielam dodatkowych informacji dotyczących
ich wpisywania i tym podobnych.
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